ACME Services Powder Coating Powder coatings are applied with an electrostatic charge to a grounded substrate (typically metal) and cured in a bake oven. In the oven, the powder flows into a liquid and cross-links into a durable finish. Powder coatings are used extensively and provide durable finishes in virtually any color imaginable. Learn More Liquid Coating Liquid coatings have been used for hundreds of years on any type of substrate. They can be applied as a protective and/or decorative coating to almost any part. Liquid coatings offer numerous benefits, one of which can be heat resistance. Learn More Assembly & Packaging Acme offers a number of various post-paint light assembly and kitting processes. Customers in the medical and outdoor cookware industries utilize our assembly services and countless customers utilize our kitting and custom packing. Learn More Masking Masking is a process done prior to paint which masks certain areas on a part from the paint which will be applied. Acme maintains a large inventory of masking plugs and caps and routinely sources custom masking materials for customers. Learn More Screen Printing The screen printing process prints custom graphics onto coated parts. The process uses porous mesh stretched tightly over a frame made of wood or metal. A stencil is photo-chemically produced on the screen, which is then used to deposit ink onto the painted part. Learn More In House Tooling Acme’s in house fab shop produces tooling and racks used to support our own production and is happy to offer these services to support high volume projects of our existing coating customers. Learn More